MUSIC & MOVEMENT (3mo-3yrs) - The Music Garden

Music and Movement


Full of energy, often on the move, always exploring and learning; together you will sing, chant, move, dance, listen, and play simple instruments, all actives that bridge the natural connection between music and movement.

Sweet Peas is a class for our littlest babies and provides amazing opportunities to bond and watch your child grow and learn.

Periwinkles is a delightful class for babies and toddlers; you and your child will sing, dance, and listen to musical stories. Periwinkles provides wonderful bonding between caregiver and the young child.

Tots offers a lively environment for independent movers and is specifically designed for children ages 2-3.

About the Classes

SWEET PEAS: AGES 3 - 11 months

  • Classes held once a week, caregiver attends every week, 15 classes per semester, 45 minutes in length.
  • Each week we will use instrument play and the remarkable Intellidance Babies curriculum to introduce a new development topic to help you support your baby's growth.

PERIWINKLES: AGES 12 - 24 months

  • Classes held once a week, caregiver attends every week, 15 classes per semester, 45 minutes in length.
  • Each week we will provide simple movement activities for coordination, body awareness and control, and exploration of space.
  • Music and Movement concepts will be introduced through movement and simple instrument play such as rhythm sticks, jingles, rattles, drums, bells, and more.

TOTS: AGES 2-3 years

  • Classes held once a week, caregiver attends every week, 15 classes per semester, 45 minutes in length.
  • Tots uses the wonderful Intellidance curriculum and offers a lively environment for independent movers and their caregiver(s) to experience music and movement together.
  • Tots love to figure things out - this class will provide opportunities to problem solve together. Animated story telling, songs, instruments, and movement will add to the fun and excitement.


1How frequent are the classes?
Classes are one time per week for 45 minutes per class
2Can siblings attend classes?
Older siblings not registered and friends may not attend class unless prior arrangement has been made with the instructor.
3Is registration open for these classes?
Yes. Join anytime during the semester if space in classes is available. If joining after the semester start, the tuition will be prorated based on remaining classes. The registration fee of $25 is due at enrollment regardless of start date.
4Do caregivers attend with the children?
Yes, all children's programs are caregiver and child.